Saturday, March 29, 2008

For Someone Special

Because of a recent event in my life (and since the only people who read my blog actually do know me, I should probably just name that recent event, but I'm not), I've been thinking a lot about the people who enter our lives and the times they come into them. I mean, fatewise. Is there a reason why they step into/out of our lives at the times they do? I don't know.

There's someone who's been a serious part of my life for the past 5 months but now that's changing. Ok, maybe I'll just say what I'm talking about because it's really obvious now. I'm writing about my recent breakup. Although what he and I had was short-lived, I'll always value it and think of it as special part of my life. I'll also always have a place in my heart for him. He's special and he's incredibly genuine. I know that although we aren't together anymore, I'll always be able to count on him. I hope he knows that he'll be able to count on me, too.

And as far as breakups go, there may not appear to be any upside to them, but I'm looking at this in a positive light. I know there has to be some good from this because there was some good that resulted from my past breakups. I've since, grown a lot wiser and stronger. I'm also proud of myself because as I've gotten older, I've learned to value myself. I care more about the things I want in a relationship and I find it important to get those things.

So, I don't know if there was a reason why he was put into my life when he was, but I'm glad he was. I feel like we've done so much in such a short amount of time. I had so much fun with him on many different levels. I thank him for what we had and I'll never forget it. Thanks for helping me expand my horizons, Mad.

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