Friday, July 25, 2008


So there are pictures of two different kinds of babies in this blog. The first is a picture of my future niece or nephew! My brother, Marco and his fiance, Shelly are having a baby! It's due in January. I can't wait!

Here is a picture of the other kind of baby. They're baby foxes! This guy who was parked next to me at work had them in the back of his truck. Apparently, he rescues wild animals and takes them to an animal services shelter. They were so cute!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Movie Update

I saw two more movies this week. The first was Kit Kittredge: An American Girl Movie (I saw it with my niece). It was super cute and historical. It was about a young girl living during the Great Depression era. It stars Little Miss Sunshine's Abigail Breslin. She looks so old in this movie! Anywho, it's a good one for any of the little darlings in your life.

The second movie I saw was The Dark Knight, starring Christian Bale. He is super hot, too! Oh yeah, and this time, Rachel Dawes (Bruce Wayne's love interest) is played by Maggie Gyllenhaal. I think she did a better job than Katie Holmes. OH! I'm missing one of the best things about this film! Heath Ledger as the Joker!! He was so good and creepy. I was sad watching him, thinking it's such a shame he won't get to make great movies anymore. Yes, I loved him in Brokeback Mountain. :) Anywho again...Go see The Dark Knight! You won't be disappointed!

I'll keep you updated on anymore movies I see!
P.S. When did I become such a late night blogger???

Monday, July 14, 2008

Blowing Off Some Steam

So, I just had an annoying conversation with someone and I figured blogging might make me feel better (it's like writing in a journal) and since it's also been so long since I last posted, I thought it'd be a good idea. Although, what to write about, I'm not so sure.

Well, I guess I'll start by writing about some movies I've seen recently. Two of them are really good and one was horrible- almost as bad as when I saw Jeepers Creepers. I'll begin with the bad one. It's M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening. By the way, if you ever go see a movie with my friend Catherine, don't let her pick it (she picked this one and Cloverfield...enough said). Anywho, whatever you do, DON'T spend money on this movie. It sucks! I was warned, but I went anyway. It's pretty bad. We were laughing at how dumb it was...not getting scared.

Ok, on to the two good movies. The first is, WALL-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class). I don't care how old you are, this movie really is perfect for all ages. WALL-E is just so lovable. He just wanders the Earth alone everyday, doing his job, which is compacting the trash on Earth. Sometimes he finds things that are interesting to him, like a Rubik's Cube. Just go see this movie. My writing doesn't do it justice. You'll heart it!

The third and final movie I'll be writing about tonight is Wanted. It stars Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman and the guy from The Last King of Scotland (I could easily look his name up, but I'm not since I provided you with the link). The story line is great and the acting is great. The Last King of Scotland guy (ok, I did it, his name is James McAvoy) plays his part so well. The movie really had me all anxious and on the edge of my seat the whole time. Go see it!

Oh wait! There's another movie I've seen fairly recently. Kung Fu Panda. I won't go into too much detail about this one. Just that Jack Black is so cute as pudgy panda bear, Po. There's a quote from this movie that I love. It's, "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." I loved it so much, I made it my MySpace headline (dumb, I know).

So, obviously I've been on a movie kick lately. It's only going to get worse too, since I've recently become a member of Netflix again. They now let you watch movies instantly. How cool is that?!

So, thanks for letting me blow off my steam. It helped! :) Good night!